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  • Psychometric testing in interviews

    Psychometric testing in interviews

    • Jun 29, 2009

    Employers often use psychometric testing to vet potential employees and help them understand a little more about your personality and ability to fit into the role they are offering – and this type of testing is becoming increasing popular.

  • Creating rapport in an interview

    Creating rapport in an interview

    • Jun 29, 2009

    Rapport is the connection between two people; the spoken and unspoken words that say ‘we are on the same page’. In an interview situation you can employ numerous techniques to maximize the rapport between yourself and your interviewer.

  • Negotiating the best starting salary

    Negotiating the best starting salary

    • Jun 29, 2009

    Understandably, many people find discussing salaries uncomfortable and embarrassing during an interview. However, most interviewers expect some bartering and, if it motivates you to put more into the job, it is worthwhile for both the applicant and the employer.

  • Creating an alluring cover letter

    Creating an alluring cover letter

    • Jun 29, 2009

    The main aim of a cover letter is to encourage recruiters to read your resume. However, it needs to do a lot more than say, 'here is my resume!'. In short, it is the biggest chance you have to sell yourself.